Changing the location of styles dialogue box

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Changing the location of styles dialogue box

Post by jmt356 »

I access the styles dialogue in Word by pressing ctrl + shift + s. When I open it, it opens on the bottom right. I want it to open on the bottom left.

Each time it opens, I drag it over to the bottom left. Then I close it. Then I reopen it and it is back on the bottom right. Then I drag it back to the bottom left. When I reopen it, it is back on the bottom right. Is there a way to get word to remember where I want that dialogue window to be whenever I open it?


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Re: Changing the location of styles dialogue box

Post by jmt356 »

Is it not possible to control where this dialogue box appears? My main concern is it always shows up on the bottom right, covering my text which I need to see with work with. I want it to cover my document map on the left but don't want to keep moving it.


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Re: Changing the location of styles dialogue box

Post by HansV »

The dialog should remain where you place it - it does for me, without fail.

Since it doesn't for you, it looks like something has become corrupted. You might try deleting the registry entry Settings in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Word\Data.

WARNING: That would reset lots of your Word preferences too, so I'd only do this if you really need it!
Best wishes,

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Charles Kenyon
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Re: Changing the location of styles dialogue box

Post by Charles Kenyon »

Nit-picking on jargon.
This is called the "Apply Styles Dialog."

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Re: Changing the location of styles dialogue box

Post by jmt356 »

I found a way to cause Word to remember the location of the Apply Styles dialogue. When dragging it to the new location, hold down ctrl + alt.